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About OCBC

Orere Point is a small settlement located on the North Eastern corner of the Firth of Thames.  Located an hour's drive from Auckland, it is a popular destination for weekend visitors as well as being within commuting distance for local residents.

With local farmland established through the 1800's the settlement has developed over the years with many small holiday beaches and gradually to permanent residential homes.

With around 220 dwellings and around 400 permanent residents, Orere Point is complimented with a Top 10 Holiday Park.  During long weekends and the holiday season, these numbers easily swell beyond the 1000 mark as many flock to 'The Point' to take advantage of the safe swimming in the river and use of the beach for boating, fishing and swimming.

In additional to the holiday camp, Orere Point has a small rural school servicing the surrounding area, as well as a Dairy, Community Hall, Health Clinic, volunteer Library and rural volunteer Fire Brigade.  A number of community based committees are active in promoting the local interests and otherwise engaging the community in various activities throughout the year.


Orere Community and Boating Club

The OCBC is a long established incorporated club that services the local community.  The following are generally identified as key functions that it performs:


  • Provides an avenue to representation at the Franklin Ward of Auckland Council on community related matters; and

  • Operates and maintains land vested with the Community as a Club Boat Ramp facility; and

  • Organises many community events throughout the year, including:

    • Over 65's Christmas Luncheon, hosting local residents in a community sponsored lunch

    • Fishing Competitions - Anniversary Weekend, Easter and Labour Weekend

    • Additional evenings and events to bring together the community

    • Community Working Bees around the township for beach cleaning and various repairs

    • Community Newsletters and other informational forums

  • Apply for Gaming and Community Grant funding where the purpose and value allow.


As a non-for-profit organisation, the OCBC distributes over $6,000 per annum from fundraising events to assist similar organisations that service 'The Point', including the local school, Fire Brigade, First Response and Health Clinic, Westpac Rescue Trust, St John and Coastguard.  Additionally we provide the local community with access to the OCBC assets, including marquees, BBQ's sound system and the like to ensure continued benefits for the remote settlement.

Shopping Bags

Supporting OCBC

As a not-for-profit Committee based organisation, we are constantly looking for assistance in the events that we deliver to the local community.  Whether it is sponsorship with prices, donated goods and services, or simply monetary, we look to work with all of our supporters to ensure they receive return value and are actively promoted within the local community and at events.


Please do not hesitate to contact us, or work with the person who has made contact with you over any sponsorship that may exist.


Natalie Hartnell - 020 4041 7473


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